Welcome to Transitional Program

Current Class Schedule

Relaxation and Stress Reduction is held from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. Friday

Psycho-Education Class is held from 1 p.m until 2 p.m. Friday

Psycho-Education Topics Schedule


Class Materials

All materials are normally provided in class by the instructors.

Assistant Instructor Schedule

Class Schedules and Topics are subject to occasional changes!

Special Events

Please remember our annual holiday party for clients and loved ones.

It will be held on Friday, December 14th, from 1-3 p.m.

Also, we will have our Bi-Weekly Art Classes, held on Fridays twice per month

(Dates vary so call to check!)


The Transitional Program will be closed for Thanksgiving and the Friday following Thanksgiving.

We will also be closed December 23nd through January 1. We will reopen on January 2, 2019.

Grading Policies

Students do not receive letter grades, but as this is a partially state funded program attendance and student progress are monitored. The current evaluation process is under review and plans to develop an individualized, goal oriented, evaluation process, based upon student input and personal goal is in the works. Classes are considered to be for personal improvement and no student can "fail" a class.

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